NFT Korea Festival avec Estelle SO

An article about me has been published on @koreanet_official, the official website of the Korean government. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mélanie Simmonet @mel.anc0lie for writing such a beautiful article.

I will continue to promote Korean art and culture through my artwork and will do my best to present my participation in events, exhibitions, and activities. Moreover, I will continue to promote Korea throughout the world.

Thank you very much.

대한민국 정부에서 운영하는 공식 웹사이트인 @koreanet_official 에 저에 대한 기사가 실렸습니다.

멋진 기사를 작성해주신 Mélanie Simmonet@mel.anc0lie 님께 진심으로 감사드립니다.

앞으로 한국적인 제 작품을 잘 알리고, 제가 참여하는 행사, 전시, 활동들을 소개하고, 나아가 세계에 한국을 더 알리기 위해 힘껏 노력하겠습니다.


Un article sur moi a été publié sur @koreanet_official, le site Web officiel du gouvernement coréen. Je tiens à exprimer ma sincère gratitude à Mélanie Simmonet @mel.anc0lie pour avoir écrit ce bel article.

Je continuerai à promouvoir la culture coréenne à travers mon travail et je ferai de mon mieux pour présenter ma participation aux événements, expositions et activités. De plus, je continuerai de promouvoir la Corée dans le monde entier.
Merci beaucoup